Regal Rug Works

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5×8 Hairon Genuine Leather Stripe Design Handmade Gray and Silver Area Rug | LR5B




Elevate your space with our exquisite 5×8 Hairon Genuine Leather Stripe Design Handmade Gray and Silver Area Rug (LR5B). Crafted with care from genuine leather, this rug seamlessly combines modern luxury with a touch of elegance. Its lightweight construction, measuring 5 feet by 8 feet, boasts a thickness of 0.2-0.3 inches, providing a plush and comfortable feel underfoot.

The rug is not only a visual delight in gray, silver, and ivory tones but also a practical addition to your decor. Its sturdy felt backing not only safeguards the rug but also offers a layer of cushioning for extra comfort.

Key Features:

  • Free Shipping Included
  • Expertly Handmade with Genuine Leather
  • Stylish Gray, Silver, and Ivory Color Scheme
  • Custom Sizes Available Upon Request

User Guide:

  • Keep the rug away from moisture to maintain its pristine condition.
  • Regularly shake the rug to remove dust and debris.
  • Should you encounter loose threads, use scissors to trim them rather than pulling.
  • In case of spills, promptly blot with a white cloth to prevent damage; avoid harsh chemicals.
  • For added protection, use rug protectors beneath heavy furniture.

Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with our Hairon Genuine Leather Stripe Design Area Rug. Contact us today to enhance your space with this remarkable rug.

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Shipping information

We offer hassle-free shipping for all orders via FedEx or UPS, with standard home delivery taking approximately 7-12 days, depending on your location. Please refer to the product description or reach out to us for an estimated delivery date, especially if the rug is made to order, which may take anywhere from 10 to 60 days.

While we strive for your satisfaction, we accept free returns under the following conditions:

  • If the received product does not match the images.
  • In case of defects or damage during transit.

Please note that returns due to a change of mind or incompatibility with your space are subject to the customer’s responsibility. Returns are free for rugs sized 6×9 and smaller, but for 8×10 feet rugs, a US$150 fee applies, and for 9×12 feet rugs, a US$250 fee is incurred. Regrettably, returns cannot be accepted for rugs exceeding 9 feet in width.

Enhance your space with our exceptional rugs and enjoy the convenience of our shipping and return policies.


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